Yes... say after 10 years, I read a book completely with full enthu...I just finished reading "the 3 mistakes of my life" and I couldn't stop myself from updating my blog. I'm really happy to get back or can say to start afresh, such a lovely hobby..."reading books". The first book which I read after a long period didn't put me down... In my young days I was fond of reading dictective novels and fictions... But this is something different. Something on friendship, religion, buisness and ofcourse about my ever loving passion "cricket". Chetan has got the trick of making his writings so simple that any layman can understand... That added up my interest in reading it as its the one after a long gap... The novel had all the stuffs in that... As I heared this is going to be shooted as a bolywood movie, it has the escence in it... apt for making it as an Indian movie. Stunts, romance, friendship, abroad, business, religion, riots, cricket and ofcourse some non-veg masalas...
I read some reviews of his former books... Will be getting the next one today as the clocked has already ticked 1.00 am... "One night @ the call center".... I can't claim myself to be a good book reviewer as I hold less experience in reading... But this initiative will bring back that quality in me... Goodnight....