Many times I've updated my blog with my Pune visit for official purpose. But this time, same place, 4th occassion I visited Pune on Feb 14th, the so called "Valentines day", to be with my fiancee. The lovely 2 days with her has given me so much affection, can't say it in words, which made it very special.
Preparation to go to Pune started from the day I got engaged with Chakku. I booked the to n fro tickets on Kingfisher for 14th and 15th. Thank god, as wished, 14th was falling on a saturday, and I didn't have to take any leaves. Would have gone to Pune, even otherwise. :-). I never wanted to disclose that am visiting her, that too at Pune, with my chakku. I did all those circus, to make her not aware about my plans. Not even 1%. From Feb 2nd till Feb 14th, somehow I managed to keep that as a big secret with her, since I wanted to give her one of the biggest surprise of her life. Was counting each and every day, second by second. When will I meet her and give her the pleasent shock in seeing me infront of her, that too on a valentines day.
Feb 2nd... I contacted her cousin and took the address where they stay in Pune. From that time onwards, I've contacted him several times to confirm that, my chakku has not come to know about my plans. I know, he got irritated with my calls and sms's, but I didn't have anyother go... 'coz I truley by heart want to give her a surprise. Days went past. I told my parents and many of my friends... Everyone were thrilled of my plans, more than me... heheeee... Again the tension build up... coz now I've to manage everyone who knows about my plans not to disclose it. Many a times chakku used to tell me, 'Vinuchetta pls come to Pune during any weekend'. I used to avoid her words purposefully telling that I'm busy with my work and other activities. I know she got angry with those negligence from my side. I wanted that feeling in her, so that the surprise will be much more sweeter. :-)
As my first valentines gift for someone I love, from heart, I wanted it to be a mega event. I didn't hesitate... with the help of sinkom and viji(his wife), one day we went to Bhima jewelers and bought an excellent ring. I was soooo happy the day when I bought that. I carefully packed and kept it aside. In continuation, I bought things here and there, left and right, even a new travel bag to keep these things as well. :-). Washing clothes, ironing, packing it, all happened all days. I don't know, in which world I was in. I enjoyed each and every moment.
Feb 13th, I parked my car in office, took a rickshaw to Binils(Rajav) house, where I planned to stay that night, so that he can drop me to airport early morning. Its near when compared to the place where I stay. Ahhhhhh... can't tell you... a lazy gooze like me, who never likes to wakeup early in the morning, didn't sleep at all. Flight was at 6am. I made the whole world to call me and wake me up at 2.30 am onwards, if by chance I sleep off. The tension of missing the flight was so much of concern for me... that made me awake all night through. During that time also I spoke with her. I use to update her where am I and what am I doing.. But never ever I told am going to be close to you in few hours...:-). Heyyy but I didn't tell any lies as well. It was so well managed by me... Aplause Mr. Vinu Chandran. You deserve a big pat. I troubled everyone else. I started getting calls from 2.30 onwards and many alarms rang... But of no use, 'coz I was awake :-). I could feel the thrill in others more than me... Isn't it to the heights ??? Hahaaaaa... I had no other thought in my mind other than thoughts on her. While boarding the flight at sharp 6am Feb 14th, an unusual feeling creeped in my nerves...
Feb 14th, 7.30am. Reached Pune Airport. Couldn't hold my thrill. No more wait. As I'm much accustomed to Pune ariport, I had not think of much rather than picking the prepaid rickshaw and go to her place. While I was on my way near her appartments, I gave her a call for my last confirmation that she is still not aware am so much near her. She picked up the call with a very lazy voice. Wished her valentines day and kept the phone. By that time I had reached her appartments and was hiding behind the security guards office. I had to struggle to make those marathi securities to understand, why I was there, from where am coming and to whom I've to meet. A cinematic moments happened there. They too got thrilled to listen to my story and allowed me to go in. :-). Why this heartbeat increase so much I don't understand.. But yes, it got to its maximum rpm. I cruised towards the floor where she stays, kept my luggage right infront of the door. Called her, brother and informed, I'm the one who is going to knock the door in 5 mins and make sure my love will open it. Yet another call I made to chakku. She had brushed by that time... I became a bit more romantic. (censored:-)). While holding her call, I rang the door bell. I still don't know, how did I do... did my heart pumped up and hit the bell or how it is... While typing this blog also I could feel some pressure picking up in my body:-).
The most happiest time we both had. She opened the door to check who is it and found me right infront of her and on the other hand holding my call. Astonished, surprised what not... she couldn't control any of her feelings or senses. I was hiding a red rose behind me. I wanted to give that in a much romantic way, as how we used to see in movies. But before me doing any showoffs, she took two steps towards me and hugged and kissed me. The sweetest one. I was sooooooo much happy and thrilled, that I made her day in a much better way. Thank god, everything worked out as expected and was not at all a flop show. :-).
Later I met her cousin and his wife who is carrying. We all spend good quality time together. Went for shopping for sometime. But by heart me and chakku didn't want to go out anywhere but being together all the time. So we both with the same voice, rejected all outing plans and were together all the time. I gave her the ring, creating hopefully the best romantic scene I could with music and .... no coments.... sigh... heheee. Later all those stuffs which I had with me for her. I hope I could make her feel what feelings I have for her. It was a lovely appartments with hill view on one side,
Feb 15th. I couldn't leave Santosh's house early as his parents were holding me back to have breakfast. But who else know other than me and chakku, that we want to be together again as soon as possible. Finaly I lost my control and told the hosts, that I want to meet her badly and she too does. So I've to go back now, right now. From where will someone get this energy, I used to think... but that day I felt myself. I was rushing for her appartments while she was calling me continusouly to know where have I reached. It was really pleasent to have similar feelings from either side. We synced up very much that time. Getting down from the rickshaw, was running towards her. Again few more hours with her and her relatives, I filled my heart with beautiful memories.
4pm same day I had to travel back. After so much of good memories leaving behind, I took my luggage and flew back to bangalore. Now too, I feel I miss her and those good days.
All the above incidents are not the only building blocks for any successful relationship. But ofcourse its a part of any relationship to get built up. So I'm statisfied to the core, that I could put the base for a good relationship with my one and only chakku.
Let me note one phrase below to make both of us not to get deviated or over thrilled with any of the good things happening in our life.
Perfect Love is not recieving,
its giving and forgiving.
Perfect Love is not only red roses on Valentine's day,
its the rest of 364 days knowing you love someone.
Perfect Love is not phone calls and stolen kisses,
its a silent smile in memory of ur sweet heart.
Perfect Love is not a fight - kiss - make up,
its loving the one who annoys the hell out of you.